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Saffron infused vodka

File under "What to get Scotto for Christmas this year": it's a saffron vodka infusion:

Sub Rosa Saffron Infused Vodka is 45% abv. / 90 proof and has a lovely light straw gold color to it... Infused with eight spices including cumin, coriander, ginger, black peppercorn, cayenne, galangal, turmeric, and of course that most regal of spices, saffron."

Don't worry about whether someone else might get this for me too; I'm happy to accept multiple bottles.

I'm not sure if this tops the local bar here in Seattle that infuses vodka with roast beef in order to make Bloody Marys, but still.

Posted By Scotto at 2007-12-22 20:52:42 permalink | comments
Tags: vodka infusion saffron
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Herbal : 2008-01-06 13:56:31
Hi Scotto, in Portland the two Sub Rosa Spirits vodkas are at the 11th & Hawthorne liquor store, at the Uptown Liquor at NW 23rd Place, Portland @ SW 10th, Burlingame on SW Terwilliger, Portland/Hillsdale, Lloyd Center & Beaverton Town Square. Outside of Portland you can find them in Newberg, McMinnville, Bend East, Salem East, Gearhart, Canby, Stayton & Estacada of all places. This was the list for November 2007. OLCC doesn’t have Decembers list yet. Am going to try and get them into Eugene, Ashland and in a few more of the Bend liquor stores. Anyone can order them from an OLCC store but you have to pick them up in person. They don't do mail order. Here are the item numbers. Oregon [OLCC] Item Code: Tarragon 6391B Saffron 6392B. Washington State is being a bit more retrograde when it comes to introducing new products. Have to order a case at a time. Sub Rosa comes in 6 bottle cases, so that makes it a wee bit easier, but not much. Even bars and restaurants don't order 6 bottles of anything at a time except wine or bottled water.
Scotto : 2007-12-30 06:04:48
Oh and Herbal - you just say Oregon, but are you referring to Portland specifically (we presume)?
Scotto : 2007-12-30 06:02:49
Holy moly, Herbal, thanks for the intel. When I'm drinking alcohol again (in an undetermined number of months, long story), I will definitely be on the hunt.

Omgoleus - I may very well take you up on that. I wouldn't need much. Did I mention my wife knows a lot about making infusions? We could send you some. :)

Herbal : 2007-12-29 21:24:14
Hi Scotto. You might find the Sub Rosa Saffron vodka being served at the Zig Zag Cafe or TiniBigs. You might even find it at Licorous in the U District or Majories in Belltown as well. Cascadia, also in Belltown is using the Saffron to cure their gravlax salmon appetizer, but I bet they have it at the bar and could be convinced to whip up a Bloody Mary using the Saffron. Politely ask manager Jeff Lindsay-Thorsen, cuz it's not on their menu. The Sub Rosa vodkas are available as a 'special order' in Washington, which means you have to buy a 6 bottle case. In Oregon it is always at the Uptown Liquor Store and the 11th and Hawthorne Liquor Store. I think Seratto's on NW 21st has a drink using the Saffron, as does the best Indian restaurant in town, Vindalho on SE Clinton at 19th or so. The Teardrop Lounge or Clyde Common might also have some Sub Rosa vodka drinks whipped up by now too.
omgoleus : 2007-12-27 17:39:04
I just got back from North India with a few grams of Kashmiri saffron. You might be able to talk me out of some, Scotto...

ceteri : 2007-12-23 12:55:17
Hey Scotto, you deserve the best...

While traveling in Russia, I kept asking my friends there what was the best vodka. Expected to hear back about some relatively ancient label, not available outside of Mother Russia.

Instead, nearly 100% suggested Nemiroff,">[link] which instead of being Russia it comes from Ukraine, and the distiller is not many years old.

Damn, they were right! Try the Honey Pepper especially: "The hot pepper in the vodka, if consumed in large volumes, will be sweat out pores causing a burning sensation in the skin."

Not legal for import to Texas. That's a good indicator ;)

Kerry : 2007-12-23 06:29:42
This sounds tasty. I bet that one of your depraved bribable foodie friends could make something similar from scratch (ahem!)

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