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Magic beans?

I came across this story a few months ago, and thought it had been in a dream until i rediscovered the magic bean (although I was sure I had read MDMA was now believed to be naturally occurring).

It seems at least 5 chemicals thoughts to be human inventions (including tasty amphetamine) were discovered in at least one species of bean tree.

What caught my curiosity immediately was the casual indifference shown to what is certainly an extraordinary discovery. Here, amongst some 40 or so alkaloids found in each of these two species, there were five amphetamines that had heretofore been thought to be inventions of man. Two of these are Schedule II drugs, Amphetamine and Methamphetamine. Two are Schedule I drugs, N,N-Dimethylamphetamine and 4-Methoxyamphetamine. And the fifth one is a major human metabolite of Amphetamine, 4-Hydroxyamphetamine. To my knowledge, none of these had ever before been reported as being natural plant alkaloids. This unprecedented discovery elicited only a passing line of comment in the earlier of the two papers.

Makes you wonder: what else might have been discovered that doesn't get published. Valium in the potatoes?

Posted By agent_of_truth at 2007-12-30 06:10:47 permalink | comments
Tags: magic beans acacia shulgin
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Darren Edmunds. : 2010-10-12 05:48:08
Hey. I dont talk ;)
SkepticalMisanthrope. : 2009-02-04 16:10:57
This is fake. Claims of these species of plants that contain such large varieties of chemicals have been hoaxed for a LONG time. I remember reading about the last one, and info about it being sent to Doctor Shulgin and him even saying the whole thing seemed far too suspicious for him to believe. Methamphetamine AND MDMA ARE man made chemicals, they DO NOT appear in nature. They CAN appear in nature if man does the right things, but that doesn't make them occur in nature... It's BS, don't belive ANYTHING in this world (Especialy on the internet) without extensive personal research. That's starting to be the world's #1 problem; people not being skeptical enough... Everyone is so gullable... Thank god snake oil salesmen don't exist like they used to, the world would collapse. Don't get me wrong though, they still do in different forms... And the world is still getting screwed because of it... How many peopel are sending massive amounts of money to Nigerian princes, or because a mom has a son who is a student overseas and they need to get a laptop for them etc etc... Overnighting checks... fraud... etc... The world is either getting dumber and dumber because of all the shit the government has been doing and continues to do to the country and the citizens (most without our knowledge...) is making us that way... OR the world and the human race has ALWAYS been this dumb... And I don't think that could be true. Look at all the AMAZING stuff the race has done... HELL, most of the inventions we consider to be modern are now being discovered to have been around for (in some cases) hundreds or THOUSANDS of years! Hell, the Greeks (I think, maybe the Romans or something...) made the first ACTUAL computer. It had like 7 different and useful functions, all in one compact and travelable machine made of brass (I believe). It was sweet! It would track star movement and all that constelations and whatnots, had all SORTS of stuff. It was expertly built as well as many of them work TO THIS DAY. Though many also do not and scientists are still as of yet unable to tell what they did... But STILL!!!
cdin : 2007-12-31 10:32:06
Wow. these beans are clearly magic. Evil, evil magic that i never want anything to do with at all.
jamesk : 2007-12-30 13:11:21
I also just checked the Wikipedia and saw that A. berlandieri contains phenthylamine and dimethyltryptamine (among others).
jamesk : 2007-12-30 13:06:55
These are for the Acacia berlandieri and A. rigidula species, and this is indeed a weird story. I remember seeing this as well and thinking there must be a mistake. Beans with PMA and Meth? Egads.

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