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Only in CA: medical marijuana trade school

If you're thinking of getting a head start in the burgeoning field of cultivating medical marijuana, look no further than Oaksterdam University in Oakland, CA:

The school prepares people for jobs in California's thriving medical marijuana industry. For $200 and the cost of two required textbooks, students learn how to cultivate and cook with cannabis, study which strains of pot are best for certain ailments, and are instructed in the legalities of a business that is against the law in the eyes of the federal government.

"My basic idea is to try to professionalize the industry and have it taken seriously as a real industry, just like beer and distilling hard alcohol," said Richard Lee, 45, an activist and pot-dispensary owner who founded the school in a downtown storefront last fall.

Of course, the best part about this particular article is the delightful pun included here:

At the end of the class, students are given a take-home test, with the highest scorer - make that "top scorer" - earning the title of class valedictorian.


Posted By Scotto at 2008-02-26 20:50:28 permalink | comments
Tags: medical marijuana
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Diane Wilkie. : 2011-01-14 19:51:00
Is your school still in business? How long is the course? where can I get more information?
73 years too long!!. : 2010-10-30 14:46:59
I will be contacting the school in time. I am 2,000 miles away from Oakland,CA.
shelb. : 2010-01-20 15:20:09
where is the school at?
peacemaker. : 2009-11-24 20:59:08
wondering if there is a profession in this feild other then growing and selling. I would like to know how you can get involved with the medical part in other states without it being illegal.
powerhouse. : 2009-05-05 20:09:15
can you take this class on line ? If not , why not.
guest. : 2008-07-28 13:37:36
it truly sucks you guys are only in cali. maybe you should expand to other states that allow medical marijuana, you would be able to broden your horizon. i wish you were close enough so that i go to go to your school.
what ever. : 2008-05-28 23:58:56
then along with the industry you need to hire gun men to make sure the crops are safe from robbers and regular street junkies cuz not all the drugs will be legal...think about it....
guest : 2008-05-24 07:58:48
Most times when someone has to explain their joke, it is not funny!
mrchron. : 2008-05-11 21:28:55
this is such a good idea, im taking horticulture, but that just doesnt cut it. this definately does, because im seriously interested in the marijuana industry
.. : 2008-02-29 15:47:52
Why don't they just get a weed license from the dollar store?
zupakomputer. : 2008-02-29 11:39:14
Score as in procurement surely? ("Don't call me Shirley.")

That kind of class would indeed be a fine addition to horticultural and agricultral educational establishments anywhere.

Another thing about the money side of it - because F1 hybrids are sterile, and breeding them remains (and always will do as with all such strain development for any plants) an art and science, legalisation wouldn't have any effect on the worth of the plants and seeds.
And of course, as medicine, they'd still be as easy to cultivate and therefore deliver for free.

A great follow-up class could be based around world travel to collect seeds from all the many wonderful areas of hash and ganj production.

pro marijuana. : 2008-02-28 18:39:32
this is a great idea to get people to realize this is a good thing and will benefit many people. Im looking into this trade and thinking about it as a profession
guest : 2008-02-28 10:42:01
sign me up
icemonkey. : 2008-02-26 23:43:59
top scorer, as opposed to "highest scorer" the joke being that all the students are high.

It wasn't a great joke.

jamesk : 2008-02-26 21:15:33
top scorer? I don't get it. Oh wait... no, I still don't get it.

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