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Ravi Shankar: Tim Leary was full of shit

Time for everyone's favorite game: The Leary Bash. In a recent interview, Ravi Shankar detailed his problems with the '60s:

"I was extremely unhappy about the superficiality of it all, especially the wrong information that Dr Timothy Leary and others were propagating - that everyone in India takes drugs. It was a hodgepodge of Kama Sutra, Tantra, yoga, hash and LSD, while the true spiritual quality of our music was almost completely lost."

I think that the fact that more than 90% of sadhus use cannabis should have some bearing on Dr. Tim's credibility, but in the spirit of the times, let me just say that Timothy Leary ruined everything and never had a single good thought. Rick Doblin and John Halpern are our saviors!

Posted By TardNarc at 2008-06-07 13:21:50 permalink | comments
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zorbazenmaster. : 2008-06-15 22:43:26
Ravi has a beautiful talented daughter who plays non traditional indian music. Yum Yum see her on Enjoy...Funny to hear his judgement, is he just a bitter boring burnout compared to other new Indian musicians & wise men. ...India taught us that following any guru smacks of infantilism including Ravi...use your brain, follow your bliss, enjoy the entertainment of ideas ...nobody has ruined the world with words or ideas including Leary...
Lynett Durgin. : 2008-06-11 14:31:01
One more point to make, which is probably really neither here nor there, but did you guys know that there is a caste in India that practices 100% female infanticide?
Lynett Durgin. : 2008-06-11 14:29:00
Hi guys: to my ears this is a little harsh, given out cutting edge it all was back then. Nobody's perfect. I grew up in Redwood City, just south of San Francisco and LSD was big in our neighborhood. We all started dropping when I was 14 (1970). I'll never forget one acid trip, I don't really remember the trip itself, but the next day I was all fired up to save the world. Dunvalo Melchizedek says in his book the Flower of Life that LSD opens up the 7th chakra. He could prove it by me.
aeonsbeyond. : 2008-06-11 12:02:02
Whatfuckinever Ravi, if theres anyone to blame for scrambling Indian culture its YOU, ever since you showed up at Monterey Pop 40 years ago and smeared it all over everything for years while at the same time you were enjoying Tims good graces!! YOU SOLD OUT YOUR CULTURE STRAIGHT TO US YOURSELF, ya frikkin nitwit douchebag.
163. : 2008-06-11 11:52:05
weakness epidemic, znore,zealout znore znore.
The weakness epidemic. : 2008-06-11 09:10:14
Regrettably, midwest me old son, there's a lot of Indian people that are not vegetarian. And i ain't talking about the Muslims or other religions; I means the Hindus. Sad eh? Even there.

However, they do still have some well wicked vegetarians over there that don't take any shit from anyone. There's almost a whole caste at least, that are what some carcass-muchers might call the 'militant' brand of veggies.

Leary thought eating meat was ok so I read; never agreed with him about that. It'd likely be the reason that when it came to being discriminating, he let things fly that he otherwise wouldn't have. All those dead souls hanging around your aura stops you seeing-thinking straight.
There's a little voice that pipes up, when you think you should speak up or do something to stop a wrong, and it says to you things like, 'you can't tell them what to do because you need animals to be caged and killed to keep you alive' - and then they just shutup.

(nb - yer Chinese shoppers & other materialists: Thing many westerners didn't realise about The East was that it wasn't so much that the masses were more evolved, it was that more of the time the right types had a say in the culture and how it was run, and that their wise-folks actually were wise, whereas here in more modern times the only people that are mostly critical about the masses are themselves very bigoted and undisciplined, and usually very unspiritually aware. That part of the East is particularly at risk of doing all the wrong things materialistically beacuse they eat so much goddamed pork.

jamesk : 2008-06-09 16:56:53
You can hang out and trip with someone and even be their friends and still think they are full of it. Leary was full of all sorts of ideas, some brilliant and some falling into the shit category. Some might say Tim's exuberance for his own ideas kept him from filtering the turds from the gems, thus he liberally spread his brilliance and BS everywhere. Tim was full of it, whatever it may be.
guest : 2008-06-09 15:22:20
I heard Ravi used to hang w Tim trip and enjoy it all quite thouroughly...what freaked him out I wonder?
midwest. : 2008-06-09 13:52:37
if ravi wants to ponder the spiritual obliteration of his culture then
just let the western values of cheap materialization continue to
sap peoples minds. maybe they can start to see the world through western eyes, eat cows and obsess about their next purchase.
maybe they can make sadhus illegal or restrict their free exercise of in the name of progress.
i just finished working with some chinese counterparts. i couldn't believe how materialistic they were. they amount of crap they bought when they were here is amazing. they spent an entire day shopping at the mall.... the whole day.
163. : 2008-06-09 09:33:25
Leary was a megalomaniac and a snitch, the only "good" thing about him is that he helped bring LSD to the blackmarket, the end.
llamagas. : 2008-06-09 03:46:25
Shankar's a bit shirty in his dotage,not enough electric prunes maybe?Tim Leary soars colossal over the vast active living information system.The man proselytized acid to the world.He was and is a giant psychedelic advertisment for the Free World.
David Adams. : 2008-06-08 22:21:38
... : 2008-06-08 17:48:53
When I did mushrooms, back in the beginning of highschool. I noticed something peculier about them. I noticed I started seeing the world in new, interesting ways. But how could this come about? Am I really learning about life simply from taking drugs? My interest in it led me to timothy leary. And reading his books was the first step in the birth of my thirst of knowledge. Thanks dude 8)
TardNarc : 2008-06-08 05:21:37
> Since it's been over a year since I first posted on
> Tim Leary, I will go ahead and point people to my
> essay, The Legacy of Timothy Leary, a
> three-part DoseNation exclusive.

Dissection forthcoming. Wanna make it a DoseNation exclusive? :D

guest : 2008-06-08 04:51:57
I dont know about anyone else, but i totally would sleep with tim. old tim.
the.bricoleur. : 2008-06-08 03:21:06
Tim made a living from taking drugs .... brilliant!
midwest. : 2008-06-07 18:00:17
if the "true spiritual quality of his music was almost completely lost" , he's saying that it almost disappeared forever leaving him without spirit in his music.

seems he is trying to scare himself....maybe he's bored?

jamesk : 2008-06-07 13:32:00
Since it's been over a year since I first posted on Tim Leary, I will go ahead and point people to my essay, The">[link] Legacy of Timothy Leary, a three-part DoseNation exclusive.

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