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Jimson weed: not your pal

One of the few psychoactive experiences I personally have zero interest in exposing myself to is a full blown datura trip. And when I see (admittedly sensationalistic) news stories like this one, it just confirms my sneaking suspicion that I should continue to steer clear:

Eric Sears and Ben Fogelstrom went on a camping trip to Joshua Tree State Park in California. The two seventeen year olds had recently graduated from Carlsbad High School. Ben reported Eric missing the following day. He told authorities they had both drank a tea made from Jimson weed. Ben also gave conflicting statements about how Eric disappeared, and at one point stated he knew that Eric was dead and that he had disposed of his friend's body. Ben also told investigators that he had difficulty distinguishing hallucinations from reality. He remembered speaking to a bush, an Indian, and possibly to Eric. There was an intensive search and rescue operation, but Eric's body was not found until July 23rd. The cause of death could not be determined on autopsy because Eric's body was too badly decomposed. No obvious trauma was found. However, two chemicals, atropine and scopolamine, toxins found in Jimson weed, were found in his brain tissue. One way or the other, the use of Jimson weed by Sears and Fogelstrom, was a factor in Eric's death.

Crikey! Oh sure, I guess this could have just as easily happened on alcohol, or LSD, or whatever - but somehow, the idea of "speaking to a bush" while your friend is somehow getting himself killed just seems thoroughly unpalatable.

Posted By Scotto at 2008-06-29 00:19:48 permalink | comments
Tags: datura jimson weed
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truth is, plants do 'talk', that's the point. : 2008-07-02 09:03:07
It's interesting how those types of 'bummers' tend to be reported in a 'crime scene facts' type of way (which curiously does a rather good job of conveying the confusion and state of mind the people involved got themselves into), whereas those other kinds of stories where people do drugs stupidly or are merely caught with them - always sound very low-minded and sensationalist, and rather than be descriptive are instead trying to twist your thoughts into seeing what transpired from a very uneducated point of view.

As to spotting replicants - I would think that the problem many people seem to encounter with where they go to on those non-party drugs, is that they spend their daily 'normal' reality immersed in a complete replication of what life ought to be, and because they are trained to ignore that when they then are re-entered into actual reality - this planet, with intelligent beings of many species on it, their perceptions break down and they are unable to form coherent thoughts - their thinking not being built upon the reality of existing on planet Earth as it really actually is.

let the metal flow..... : 2008-07-01 04:20:26
Misuse is dangerous, but it is still a valuable teacher.
pssssssst - over here, moses!. : 2008-06-30 14:07:36
"but somehow, the idea of "speaking to a bush" while your friend is somehow getting himself killed just seems thoroughly unpalatable."

I bet it was Neil he was talking to.

you don't mess with 'voodoo'; simple as that. : 2008-06-30 09:52:24
It's like this: plants are like people, and tools are like people. The kinds of drugs that are able to be used recreationaly - ie, not the way they are meant to be used cause you're supposed to do it with a respect and comprehension that it, or what its derived from, is as conscious a being as you are, well those drugs are like those kinds of people who, because of how sucky-fake this world is are not fully aware of their capabilities. However - other people, not nice people, are aware of those capabilities, and they also know those who have them are not so aware that they do have them. So they exploit them, knowing they can't possibly find their way out of this fake world where they are at in some way at the behest of the idiots way of doing things.
Not so with all drugs however, just as not so with all people who are of a certain type.
It's not that the drugs are toxic, or that the people aren't easy to get on with and are not fogiving; it's that they aren't interested in taking themselves down into hell, just so that a bunch of no-brainers who don't care enough to do things properly, can use them.

So with some drugs, even heavy doses, your ego can still manage to maintain enough of what you may consider 'normal operational behaviour' to over-ride what the drug is saying is really happening. Then there's those drugs that you can't do that with - you can attempt to try to think of taking back control, but you won't even be able to form that thought anyway to then carry it out. They say, 'listen up monkey-splice; you can't even steer your own body and mind properly fool, and you think you can drive me; you don't even know what road you're on here, you got no focus nor plans nor reasons to be doing this shit, but you want us to take you for a funride and put on a little show for you. I'll tell you what, why don't you try being a plant for a few thousand years with your almost-monkey-brain mind there, see how you work out, then come back when you've learned to see things in context and have some respect.'


midwest. : 2008-06-29 14:47:39
yes. many years ago i visited my friend in the city mental hospital. his family put him in there when he showed up to a family picnic in lala land.
jamesk : 2008-06-29 12:59:28
I will confirm that Datura is perhaps the most dangerous of all hallucinogens. Not only is it easy to die from toxicity alone, the hallucinations are not fractal grids and morphing textures, they are concrete immersions with fully-formed events playing out in real time. The events and people seen while on datura are impossible to distinguish from reality unless you are well trained in how to spot a replicant, and memory formation and recall is so blocked that there are missing time snippets and confused event recall over the place.

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