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What psych ward docs may not know about nitrous

A good friend of mine has a nitrous habit. He's had it for quite some time, so he knows that it means that during periods where he's using a lot, he needs extra vitamin B-12. It took him a while to learn that he not only needed B-12 supplements, but that they needed to be sublingual or by injection, so he had a couple of bouts with what B-12 deficiencies can lead to: paranoid psychosis.

He had several psychotic breaks and was hospitalized a couple times without knowing precisely how the nitrous was causing them. It was clear that it was the drug, but the timing was peculiar because he wouldn't start getting strange ideas until a few days after he had last used the nitrous. During neither of the early hospital stays did any of his doctors, who knew of the nitrous use, suggest testing for or treating a vitamin deficiency -- they just fed him antipsychotics and waited for him to improve.

A few years passed and he had been off the nitrous for a while when he saw a relevant episode of the television show, House. Episode 3x14, "Insensitive," involves a patient who suffers from paranoid psychosis when a tape worm eats her B-12, and while watching it, a few things clicked for him. He told me about his new theory that a B-12 deficiency was responsible for his psychoses.

I did some digging on the web and found articles confirming his theory. It seems that nitrous oxide oxidizes a cobalamine precursor to B-12 (biochem geeks jump in here if I've got this jumbled), causing a B-12 deficiency in either people -- such as some vegetarians -- who may be prone to B-12 deficiency anyway, who then get nitrous during dental work, or in people who use nitrous both frequently and in quantity.

I can Google for "nitrous oxide cobalamine" and get lots of relevant hits, so this is not a secret, but the doctors missed it twice in two different hospitals in 2005, and they missed it again a couple weeks ago until I told them. My friend got reinvolved in nitrous and forgot to take enough of it sublingually, so he had another psychotic break and found himself in another psych ward. When I got to meet his doctor, I asked if he had been given any B-12 since he'd been admitted, and the doctor said that no, the psychosis was a result of anoxia, not B-12 depletion. I pressed, telling him I'd found confirmation on the web, and asked him to at least look into it and test my friend's B-12 levels.

Impressively, the doctor did as I asked, checked my theory in medical journals despite his skepticism, confirmed what I had told him, and ordered a blood test for my friend's B-12 levels and an injection of B-12. A little over a day later, my friend was mostly back to normal. The doctor asked me if he had ever been treated with B-12 previously and seemed tickled that he'd learned something from a patient's friends and family.

The doctor even spoke of writing a paper about the connection between B-12 deficiency and nitrous oxide, and I hope he does. A lot of people could be helped if more doctors knew to look at B-12 levels in people known to be using large quantities of nitrous oxide. My friend offered to help him with any details he might want to include. I hope they get this message out.

Posted By Kayti23 at 2008-09-21 20:49:39 permalink | comments
Tags: N2O; nitrous oxide; B-12; cobalamine; paranoid psychosis
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Kip. : 2009-09-30 13:53:23
The G Man

I'm pretty sure dentists have a high suicide rate because they're dentists.

The G man. : 2009-02-05 02:57:22
I've also heard that dentists have a very high suicide rate. There could be a link with that also.
Another reader. : 2008-11-20 17:35:53
Could this be why all dentists are nuts? I know a dental assistant who has worked for several, and there are an amazing number of psychopaths amongst them!
jamesk : 2008-09-30 22:12:20
After reading this and doing some research I think there is a good case to be made here that the degradation of B-12 metabolism may be linked to most cases of dissociative-related psychosis. I don't know if the metabolic B-12 interruption leads to the inability for neuronal cells to repair ruptures or lesions; if B-12 depletion leads to aminergic demodulation of rational function; or if B-12 depletion can be linked to the loss of REM sleep and mimics the kind of stress psychosis seen in sleep deprivation, but it is most likely one of these. Either way it is a form of stress psychosis caused by the interruption of smooth cellular signaling or regeneration, most likely regeneration. B-12 is a secret miracle vitamin for restoration of optimal cellular functioning.
veggie_reader. : 2008-09-23 15:10:13
So why did the b-12 have to be sublingual or injected? I'm a vegetarian and eat b-12 supplements although not as much as I should. I've had several psychotic breaks from psychedelics although I've never done nitrous. If I don't do nitrous will simply popping b-12 work?
Kayti23 : 2008-09-23 10:13:54
Thanks, enthusiast.!
Adam L. : 2008-09-22 20:32:12
As far as dissociatives go,I used DXM for a number of months and only started to realize it changed me after I had been off of it for an equal period of time that I was on it. That's very interesting and I think it does suggest a direct link to nervous physiology.
nightwatch. : 2008-09-22 17:42:32
weird how different disassociatives have different MoAs for causing psychosis. can anyone explain beter?
enthusiast. : 2008-09-22 16:34:36
Here's some further info about nitrous you might find interesting.
Taking B12 is helpful, but its only part of the picture as your body can't effectively metabolize the B12 into the usable form after a heavy NO2 session. The amino acid Methionine combined with B12 supplementation, along with using pure oxygen mixed with your nitrous will go a long way to keeping your nervous system intact. That and along with some good self control... definitely not a good one for regular use. Check out this article for more info:
Kayti23 : 2008-09-22 11:46:08
My friend is trying to quit. He's been battling his addiction for over three years, now, and is currently in a 90 day rehab program. His attitude is really positive, and I have hopes for him.

As to getting him a better doctor, when the police drop you off at the psych ER in the middle of the night, you don't always get your choice of docs, especially when you can't tell the real people from the ones in your head and are caught up in helping God to win a battle against your personal demon who wants you to kill yourself, you know?

col mcg. : 2008-09-22 10:20:12
Good work fella! You and Dr House!
rhiannon : 2008-09-22 01:39:29
If psychotic episodes aren't enough to convince your friend to give himself regular B12 injections or to stop using nitrous, he needs to at least find a decent doctor. The relationship between nitrous and B12 deficiency is well established. Not all doctors know about it but many do. Do a search on PubMed - there are hundreds of papers going back to the 70's.
A reader. : 2008-09-22 00:00:52
Thank you, this helps a lot with some psychological problems I have been having with a heavy nitrous user in my life.
Kayti23 : 2008-09-21 23:34:19
He's been trying to quit for a long time. But meanwhile, there will be others who do too much, and they could be saved a lot of hospital bills, and the hospitals could keep the beds open for others, if the doctors knew these people just need a shot of B-12 is my thought.
Alex. : 2008-09-21 23:27:29
Man he could just do less nitrous if it does that shit to him though

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