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Newark DMT bust

Reader Emu tipped us to this recent DMT news:

New Jersey state police said they made a larger seizure of the drug known as "businessman's LSD."

State Police Superintendent Rick Fuentes said the hallucinogenic drug, known by scientists as "dimethyltryptamine," or DMT, is becoming increasingly popular in the regional club scene.,000.

Troopers seized about 1.4 pounds of DMT from a 33-year-old software engineer... during a Saturday morning traffic stop on the New Jersey Turnpike after the Newark resident was seen driving erratically.

Police said the bust represents the first dealer-sized quantity of DMT seized in New Jersey.

DMT is typically sold for about $200 a gram, giving the seizure a street value of about $127,000.

Posted By jamesk at 2009-01-18 17:48:58 permalink | comments
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Chron. : 2009-03-23 10:51:58
Haha..I hate this war on drugs bullshit! Get all the junkies and methheads but leave us trippers and stoners alone, were not harming anyone... I've never heard of someone mugging someone to get cash for LSD or weed... The govt are so stupid.... Bloody nixon started it all.. I live I. Australia and our stupid mp's just follow americas stupid laws!!!
headydave. : 2009-01-31 22:26:57
LOL! shooting DMT with Ketamine...I believe, and wouldn't mind trying it, but that just sounds utterly insane.
Anonymous. : 2009-01-27 21:11:44
"He all. It has been called the "business man's trip" since the 60's."

I would modify that a bit to read "The media has been claiming that it's called 'the business man's trip' since the '60..."

Dreamer. : 2009-01-26 20:49:53
He all. It has been called the "business man's trip" since the 60's. That is because it is over in a short time, e.g., 20 min after smoking or 45 min after shooting. Instead of a leisure hippie with 7-8 hrs for an LSD trip, a business man "could afford" to take DMT, since it is over so fast, so goes the old joke.

I agree that DMT is no club drug. However, a friend of mine reported that shooting Ketamine and DMT together makes the out-of-universe exerience a bit easier to manage.


Anonymous. : 2009-01-21 10:51:35
I agree that "businessman's lunch" is a total media fabrication. The media makes these things up all the time (does anyone remember one of the first mass media stories on Salvia (must have been around 2001-2002) in which they likened it to crack and claimed its street-name was "fraggle rock?").

Be that as it may, I must admit that I've had to really fight a desire to go home at lunch one day and take a little vapor. For some reason the whole thing is so absurd that the idea is very appealing and absurdly funny. "'Businessman's trip,' you say? 'Hey, I'm a businessman. I'll show you a 'businessman's trip!'"

prokrasX8. : 2009-01-21 06:55:26
I believe any interest would wain quickly after a few "business lunch" trips, and that the description is hyperbole. However, positive association of psychedelics to non-trivial problem solving in the tech industries hit the mainstream in July '91 when GQ published an article, "Valley of the Nerds" espousing the benefits of DMT - "the Tyrannosaurus rex of psychedelics."
Nowhere Girl. : 2009-01-20 14:14:08
Another weird example of the "businessman's drug" meme.
I have a book by a certain Wojciech Wanat, the title in translation: "A Trip to Nowhere". When I was about 16 years old, I used to read such books with a friend... books meant as anti-drug, but for us they often worked quite pro-drug because we focused on trip reports. ;) Anyway, one sentence from the description of DMT in the book:
"The name 'businessman's lunch' is due to the specific short duration of hallucinations, so that a meeting with DMT could be done during a lunch break, and that's how it often is in practice."
WTF?! People taking strong psychedelics at work? Businessmen? At meetings maybe? Some people have unbelieveable imagination. I guess Mr. Wanat should try writing novels, with such imagination he would have more success at this. ;)
Anonymous. : 2009-01-20 08:45:10
..oh, and if you do a Google news search on the bust, you'll learn some incredibly interesting things! Such as: DMT is a "new and dangerous drug;" that DMT is a popular club drug in the Washington DC area, etc...

One of the news reports characterizes this dangerous drug cache as "a paper bag with brown powder." DMT? brown powder? Again, I think this guy may be getting the shaft, driving around with a botanical which they chose to treat as a pure chemical (which "by law" LEO can do, even though its incredibly unethical by any reasoned standard).

Anonymous. : 2009-01-20 08:33:47
Am I think only one here who finds "1.4 pounds of DMT" a little suspicious? I guess it's possible, but my guess is that perhaps he had 1.4 pounds of something like mimosa root-bark with him, and they decided to classify it as DMT. I could be wrong, but I'd like to see more information.
Elf. : 2009-01-19 21:33:09
better don't get caught in Japan:

"[...]Today, mere possession of most illegal drugs (including small amounts of cannabis) can get you life in prison.[...]"
(from [link] )

Elf. : 2009-01-19 21:31:08
hmm, interesting thought. I definetely agree about the new breed of "psychedelic geeks" / computer-bound psychonauts. It's like a new sub-culture.
But why would Japan be any more open about this? Don't they have one of the world's harshest drug laws?
truth. : 2009-01-19 17:15:10
the truth is more people really are getting really really psychedelic- especially the computer people- and this can be seen spilling into pop culture.

definitely has nothing to do with clubbing-it has more to do with the computers that we now depend on so heavily- just let these guys have as much DMT as they want-I'm sure Japan has no problem giving their technically astute inventors psychedelic liberties and encouragements.

Don't smoke DMT while driving...
Drive Safe!!!

ryan. : 2009-01-19 13:32:19
dancing on DMT? me thinks not.
Tom. : 2009-01-18 22:54:27
Hahaha clubbing on DMT my ass.

More of a run into the tent, lay down, and sink into the visuals type thing...

Brandon. : 2009-01-18 22:19:33
also I love the fact that it's known as dimethyltryptamine by 'scientists'.

these damn journalists are so stupid.

jamesk : 2009-01-18 20:39:27
"the businessman's LSD", I think this term was coined in the late '60s because you could do a hit of DMT on your lunch break and be back to work in an hour. Hence, the businessman's LSD.
Parker. : 2009-01-18 20:10:22
"the businessman's LSD" what? known by who? this sounds promotional, like ad copy.
Brandon. : 2009-01-18 19:19:08
Clubbing on DMT?

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