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Ketamine for depression and bipolar disorders

Time has an interesting article on how Ketamine can be used to help people with depression and bipolar disorders.

During the 1990s, the brief popularity of all-night (and in some cases multiday) raves led to a national panic over club drugs. The federal government staged elaborate crackdowns on ecstasy (known colloquially as E and in the lab as MDMA, short for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) and an anesthetic called ketamine (or K)...

Now it turns out that both ecstasy and ketamine may have healing qualities. On Aug. 2, the esteemed Archives of General Psychiatry published the results of a randomized, controlled trial hailing ketamine as a promising treatment for depression among patients with bipolar disorder.

Also, recent testimony from one of our commenters, Stephanie, also makes the case for ketamine as a therapeutic agent:

my son, who has suffered with extreme symptoms of bipolar disorder for 7 years has tried ketamine as a nasal spray and it has been nothing short of a miracle. It has been three months now and all anxiety and mood swings are GONE. he says he feels at peace for the first time in his life. He has gone from sitting in his room all day with anxiety to driving again, and enjoying life as a normal human being. Kudos to Dr. Zarate for his research. My son is being treated by a psychiatrist in NYC who has the courage to inform us of this medication alternative. He has 14 patients all of whom have had the EXACT same positive reaction from nasal spray whose effects last for up to a week. However it works it is correcting the problem and not masking it like the 10 other meds he took and is coming off on. It was discovered accidentally by one of his patients who underwent dental work and was administered Ketamine as an anesthetic and for a week became symptom free. there is no hallucinogenic effect as the dose is low... It has been 18 months for the first patient to try it with the same results and no side effects... Do not be skeptical... This is a major breakthrough that has changed my son's life... He has said that all those meds and 7 years of therapy were rendered totally useless by one application of nasal ketamine.
Posted By egnever at 2010-08-09 12:03:02 permalink | comments
Tags: ketamine time sanity
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paula. : 2013-01-20 15:56:49
does anyone have any updated advice or experiences?
all of our stories are so similar. so much pain. there are a lot of very legitimate clinical trials now. but where can we get help now?
Charlie. : 2013-01-06 18:43:09
Can Ryan Hubbard email me
Charlie . : 2013-01-06 18:42:33
I've been suffering from treatment resistant depression for 3 years now. Would you be able to provide me with the name of the psychiatrist in NYC who can prescribe nasal ketamine.

Thanks Much !!!

gina. : 2011-08-24 19:39:59
Can Ryan Hubbard email me
pete. : 2011-02-18 09:43:00
Can Ryan Hubbard email me handfrepairs@ctcn .net
ryan. : 2011-02-07 17:15:32
I just wanted to add if anyone would like to know more about my experience feel free to email me at I have already begun sending emails to psychiatrist and other metal health professionals, mostly those involved in research capacities at universities. Astrozenca had a nmda antagonist that was dropped in phase II trials, but at least there is some effort underway. Hopefully we can work together and with the right combination of psychiatrists, lawyers, and lobbyist make this a reality. So many people can be helped by this but I believe it will take a considerable group effort.
ryan. : 2011-02-06 17:13:12
I have recently discovered a legal ketamine analogue that has helped me with bi-polar depression I've been battling for years. It makes me normal I am not taking it to get high. I hope it stays legal since I don't have health insurance. For the first time in my life I feel like the pieces fit and I am a part of society. I tried to kill myself a few times because I was so messed up. Now I feel at peace. I really hope more people can see the light and work together to develop new nmda antagonist medications that are legal, because this is the only thing that has worked for me. This has been nothing short of a miracle for me.
John F.. : 2010-09-23 12:14:10
I too have suffered immensely with major depression, anxiety and mood swings. The depression has had such an adverse effect on all aspects of my life.
My situation is identical to that of John's - comments posted on 9/18/2010.
I live near Syracuse, NY and if anyone knows of a psychiatrist (in central or upstate NY) that is familiar with treatments like this please post their name on this site. I would be extremely grateful if someone would give me the name of a psychiatrist that would try the ketamine treatment on me with my informed consent.
John. : 2010-09-18 05:49:15
I've suffered with major depression for many years - still do. I've tried virtually every antidepressant available over the last 25 yrs.. Nothing has worked and my depression has so adversely effected all aspects of my life.
I've read a lot about ketamine (and other NMDA-glutamate antagonists) & how in low doses it can truly relieve the crippling depression people like myself have.
The unfortunate thing is I can't find a psychiatrist informed or enlightened enough to consider this treatment. I have a psychiatrist but he's simply says he's not familiar with any NMDA antagonist (including ketamine) that can relieve depression.
There is so much ignorance in this regard that it literally astounds me; perhaps it shouldn't because we have so many damn puritanical people in the U.S..
I think of suicide virtually daily and am on SSDI because of my depression. I could be a very productive citizen if only I could find a psychiatrist to think outside the box.
I had some dental work done 13 yrs. ago and I couldn't figure out why my constant depression was gone after and remained at bay for about 1 week. I checked with the dentist I had back then & he told me ketamine was used for the procedure.
Hopefully soon I'll find a psychiatrist that's familiar with NMDA antagonists, like ketamine, so I'll be able to live a happy and productive life.
Marsha. : 2010-08-17 12:02:43
Other ways to help bipolar disorders is a change of lifestyle. I have personal experience with this and have had much success with it. To learn more go to [link]
jim. : 2010-08-09 22:11:06
These stories always make me quite happy. It can indeed be a very useful medicine.

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