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Fox defecting towards legalization

Check out actor and anti-marijuana activist Stephen Baldwin, Fox news analyst / former California prosecutor Kimberly Guilfoyle, president of Oaksterdam University Richard Lee, and Fox host Geraldo Rivera discussing the perceived dangers and merits of marijuana legalization.

I was a bit taken aback by this one. It's a bit of a weird experience to see a Fox host bringing forward the best arguments in a legalization discussion. And the first 4 minutes of the video before the discussion starts actually give a pretty balanced view of the situation, considering it's Fox, that is.

Posted By Morrison at 2009-05-12 18:06:04 permalink | comments
Tags: Fox Stepehen Baldwin Kimberly Guilfoyle Oaksterdam Richard Lee Geraldo Rivera Ammiano Schwarzenegger legalization marijuana pot weed cannabis
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Baldwin Stephens. : 2009-05-16 18:46:59
I think its clear from the drugged eyes of baldwin that he is obviously defending his drugs of choice...damn, he is always red-eyed and glazed over... Why do alcohol and hard-drug-users hate mary-jane so much?
egnever. : 2009-05-14 14:34:49
Where do these guys come from, Steven Baldwin is an ACTOR. Begs the question who he's acting for...

When I was in high school in the 90's it was easier and more common for kids to get pot than alcohol or cigarettes. I can't imagine that it has become less common since then.

Jimmy Joe Johannassen. : 2009-05-13 13:13:37
Fuck off, Baldwin. It ain't your job to protect my children.
Jayster. : 2009-05-13 08:45:15
Simple and easy...

"Risk and personal responsibility are integral part of freedom !"

Mike knows what's up. : 2009-05-13 08:43:44
Copy his posting and hand out flyers. He quantified our arguement perfectly. We have to change the hearts and minds of the brainwashed. People have grown up on disinformation and fear ever since they tried to cram it down our throats in grade school.
Mike. : 2009-05-13 07:19:10
I have seen Baldwin in many similar debates, and the result is the same, he looks like an idiot. Can't the keep-it-illegal side get someone smart up there? (I'm obviously pro-legalization, I'm on this site afterall, but I would like to see a debate and not a massacre).

I would like to see the legalization side bring up the following points

a) They need to call the Republicans out on their hyppocrisy - for example the Republicans claim they want personal responsibility and small government, but how does keeping it illegal fit into that (it doesn't).
b) The Republicans are for "family values," with the State keeping it illegal, it reduces the role of the parent/community as educator and shifts role to the State.
c) If you think the drug is unsafe you should want it REGULATED, NOT DEREGULATED
d) bring up scientific journal articles, name drop scientist show that Cannabis is not chemically addicting (which it isn't), and THC has actually been showed to KILL cancer cells in the lungs (which it has) it's the particulate matter which is a problem which can be mitigated by a vaporizer ... which comes down to EDUCATION!. Also they should bring up studies on HU210 (look it up).
d) Bring up the historical, religious context of the plant, and how humans have been using it for thousands of years.
e) Bring up the reasons of why it was made illegal, and the Hearst story.
f) Show the War on Drugs uses fear instead of economic fact. We have to look at other countries (Portugal I am thinking of specifically, most liberal drug laws in Europe) and whether legalization has increased usage (it hasn't). Also, the needle exchange program in Vancouver and how that has turned out if convo goes towards other drugs (success)!
g) Show what a drain it is to our prison system, with hard numbers (this isn't difficult)
h) Bring up the philosophical issue of people being able to do to their bodies what they want to unless it violates others rights, this conversation (if against a GOP'er) will quickly devolve to healthcare and having to pay for weed smokers healthcare, you can then flip the argument to say this is one more reason AGAINST socialized medicine (which the GOP will cream over). Do what you want to do, just don't come crying to the gov't when you make a bad decision.

The argument needs to be tackled on historical, philosophical, and economic grounds. The battle is really ours to lose (like the election of 09 for the Dems), everything is in our favor - people will come around to the truth if presented to them in a proper manner.

roaldgold. : 2009-05-13 03:48:13
@ Makes sense,

Theoretically, I can see what you are saying. It seems to me though that the Dems are most likely to move forward with legalization. Conservatives, or at least the GOP today, are not going to support legalization. Legalization just doesn't fit with their current image. You will see this play out if the issue continues to gain support. I don't think legalization would even be getting this much publicity if McCain was prez.

Travis. : 2009-05-12 21:23:08
Wow Geraldo really did make some good points . . . totally shamed baldwin
Morrison : 2009-05-12 20:34:17
> STEPHEN baldwin... not alec baldwin.

Right, corrected ! Thanks m!

Makes sense. : 2009-05-12 20:07:05
Legalization is a freedom issue. Theoretically, conservatives, more specifically, libertarian conservatives are opposed to tyranny and dominance over other human beings. That's what the war on drugs is; a form of dominance over our fellow man.
m. : 2009-05-12 19:16:31
STEPHEN baldwin... not alec baldwin.

im hoping alec baldwin is smarter than that.

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