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Why pot makes you paranoid

Time Magazine picked up the release of a new rat study in Neuroscience on marijuana and emotional response. Anyone who has studied the role of the amygdala in fear response should find this unsurprising.

Paranoia is one of the most unpleasant "side effects" of marijuana. It's also a key experience shared by marijuana smokers and people with schizophrenia. But exactly how does smoking a joint cause the feeling that dark forces are conspiring to do you wrong?

...The findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, suggest that activity in the basolateral amygdala is involved in marijuana-induced paranoia (the state of becoming afraid of things that wouldn't normally trigger fear). That means marijuana is actually enhancing a type of learning about fear, leading the brain to jump to conclusions about mild experiences involving particular places or things, and to perceive them as scarier and more strongly connected than they are.

Posted By jamesk at 2011-04-07 14:21:51 permalink | comments
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w. : 2013-11-29 04:23:22
BS when you see the truth you should speak it and the brainwashed society that is from a education System and tv Programming makes the masses stupid and fear of freedom. 911 makes most people paranoid and fear every day life. But it was staged and planned to fear the masses to control weak stupid people and that's where the education system comes in All fake info when you research and have real knowledge! It's not paranoia when you can see the lies and murder for profits right in front of your eyes. In a real free country and not this Commi one the USA ( divided not united) paranoia would not exist. My only fear would be being arrested for being free. Many medical uses, fake Dr.'s fake govt, fake patriotism. Fake FREEDOM !
John S. : 2013-03-13 06:59:48
Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that everyone ISN'T out to get you.
Brook. : 2011-07-07 20:40:40
I've gotten paranoid before while smoking, only because my heart was beating sooooo fast and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I didnt feel like anyone was out to get me, and I think weed is great in moderation. I still smoke, not as much because of all the scary things ive read about it and all the while I know its not true, I still get high and think about the time I read this-or-that and I think of shit I hope they weren't right...

I think the media is trying to scare us into stop using and unfortunately its worked for me, because I'm a paranoid idiot, but don't let articles like this scare you. Most of the people talking about marijuana haven't ever tried it or had one bad experience and based everything off of that. They're still alive arent they?

Toke up<3

D. : 2011-04-16 11:36:13
Weed is great and all but only in moderation. I have smoked quite often for the past 6 years and lately I have been getting more paranoid for no reason(other than smoking a gram a day). I used to be one of those people who saw something "bad" or controversial written about pot and would start to write a half assed glorification of how "we need to be more connected to plants man". But only a few years of continued habitual use made me realize that weed IS a drug because it DOES change a person's perception on life. Blah blah blah. Ok now any stoners out there trying to prove me wrong, please don't bother. Quit weed for 30 days and tell me you don't feel different.
Merijn. : 2011-04-13 09:26:10
But exactly how does smoking a joint cause the feeling that dark forces are conspiring to do you wrong? Maybe the connection you make with a plant helps you getting more clearly into consciousness how we're being fucked by our culture and that our ideas of normality are actually destroying our planet and draining our spirit? Though I wouldn't say it's a conspiring, it's more like we kind of forgot and passed on the wrong lessons in life and lost our connection to plants?
I also find it interesting to see how they note that smokers and schizophrenics think that things are 'more strongly connected than they are', last time I checked that was part of the genius of people like Einstein, who kind of came to notice that every friggin thing is connected?
Peace & love!
squid. : 2011-04-12 13:36:01
I think it's the anti drug laws and the fear of getting busted that make most people paranoid. And as the old saying goes "If you're not paranoid, you're not paying attention."
The guy with the dog. : 2011-04-11 07:44:33
Hi, I'd like to make the point that generally speaking unless cannabis originates from equatorial regions the profile of it's primary constituents do not usually induce paranoia.

I have a theory that the paranoia often found with domestic cannabis is due to the profit motive, the cannabis is rarely grown to its full potential, usually being cutdown well before the active compounds have reached optimal levels.....

Eport. : 2011-04-10 04:00:39
What a dumb stupid pea-brained article that was. How dare they say anything bad about pot. Like pot would ever enhance anything other than golden rainbows. This increased paranoia business... what kind of crazy half-assed... or wait that makes complete sense.
demi. : 2011-04-08 21:53:18
pot makes me crazy
piffle. : 2011-04-07 23:06:21
What a stupid, generalizing, hack article.

It's my feeling this kind of yellow journalism is actually enhancing a type of learning about fear, leading the brain to jump to conclusions about mild experiences involving particular places or things, and to perceive them as scarier and more strongly connected than they are.

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